Experts in point cloud processing

We transform your point clouds into tangible knowledge through artificial intelligence.

What we do?

We work with point clouds and extract all useful information possible, using cutting-edge technologies and software environments in the field of AI.
LiDAR technology

LiDAR technology

LiDAR as the main data acquisition system for generating point clouds.
VirtuaLearn 3D (VL3D)

VirtuaLearn 3D (VL3D)

Our main framework for working with point clouds.
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Our projects

A selection of our success stories and corporate R&D projects.

Prehistory area of the Department of Geography and History (USC)

Prehistoric Archaeology with Aerial LiDAR (ALS)

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Projects R&D

Large-scale classification with aerial LiDAR (ALS)

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Cartographic Engineering Laboratory (CARTOLAB)

Road study of the Pontevedra region with mobile LiDAR (MLS)

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